
Once more The Department creatively produced a world first: the World’s First Fully Autonomous Holographic Car Race starring the BMW i8 Roadster and concept car BMW iVision Dynamics.

A multi-sensory immersive experience showcasing the future and visionary mobility. This unique car launch was a creative collaboration incorporating actors, infra red controlled wagons, rear projection screen content, hologram content and 4D sound with musical composition by Des Lambert.

Bringing together content creation teams based in 3 different countries and time zones to tell the story of BMW’s future vision and inspire a brand that are top of their game to keep pushing the boundaries of visionary mobility.

Quick Facts

300 of BMW’s top dealers

2 rear-projectors onto a 14 meter screen

2 wicreations infrared controlled cars

2 short throw projectors onto holo-gaze

2 real life actors


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